Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What do you call a rude kid?

While having breakfast this morning with a good friend, we had a conversation about the level of manners and politeness that other areas have. We both agreed that Toledo, OH, has become rather barbaric and truly is a "me me me" city.

My friend came up with a new term for todays' street punks - feral kids.

I mean, after all, there are feral cats aren't there?

**this term has been attributed to an author (not me) and shall not be used without permission**


tiggrr2! said...

LOL! Thanks for the air time...
Great blog. Keep Writing.

mud_rake said...

feral kids? Interesting visual something like Oliver Twist?

Carol said...

Perhaps, mud_rake. Maybe we could trap them in cages and turn them loose in another area ...