Thursday, August 7, 2008

Irresponsible Behavior in Municipal Government

Yesterday I attended a Committee of the Whole meeting at Toledo City Council Chambers. This particular meeting was convened to address the issues with circumvention of the Toledo City Charter in the dealings with a local event promoter and the amount, and manner, in which he was/is paid.

You see, our Mayor has an ego issue that just compels him to make horrible decisions in an effort to support his ego-maniacal demeanor. And, finally, it appears as though the population of this city is waking slowly to realize they are being screwed. Terribly.

This all stems from the Mayor making a deal with this promoter to renovate Bay 4 of the Erie Street Market and bring in various events. And many will say, "So, what's the problem?" Well, the problem is that this particular promoter is a convicted felon (forgery), has been scrutinized in the past for selling alcohol to minors (never convicted), has two tax liens against him - State and Federal, is not a licensed contractor in any way shape or form, and violated his agreement with another local club to provide entertainment/acts for that venue.

It's a very long and involved situation and you can read more about it at Glass City Jungle, as well as listen to the audio of the meeting. This was one of the most convoluted meetings I have ever attended.

There was more tap dancing going on than at an Al Jolson/Ben Vereen show!

My concerns in all this, more than those with the promoter, are ... if there is a fire during an event, who is liable? Most likely the city. If a patron of the event imbibes too heavily and gets in his car to drive and kills someone, who is liable? Again, I'm thinking the city is. If any untoward occurrence takes place the city, it seems, will be on the hook for any lawsuit filed.

Just what we need. Another catalyst for litigation against the city. As if the Mayor isn't doing enough to break the bank.

Oh well ... as they say in other areas ... at least we're not Detroit. **sigh**


GraphicsGuy said...

Right on target, except being thankful we're not Detroit! DAMN shame we're not more like them - at least THEY had the chutzpah to rid themselves of bad leadership.

Carol said...

GG - you're probably right, but good ol' Kwame only spent one night in jail. AND Detroit has not totally gotten rid of him. They just keep humiliating him in hopes he will slither off with the rest of the vermin in politics.